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ملخص مرشحات ماده الانكليزي ملف ملون وبسيط يتكون من 8 اوراق تكدر تعتمد علي فقط وتعوف كلشي تضمن الدرجه الكامله في الامتحان الوزاري وبي انشاء الجوكر والانشاء المرشح للصف الثالث متوسط٢٠٢٤

ملخص  مرشحات ماده الانكليزي ملف ملون وبسيط يتكون من 8 اوراق تكدر تعتمد علي فقط وتعوف كلشي تضمن الدرجه الكامله في الامتحان الوزاري وبي انشاء الجوكر والانشاء المرشح  للصف الثالث متوسط٢٠٢٤

مرشحات لمادة اللغة الانكليزية للصف الثالث المتوسط

مادة اللغة الانكليزية
الصف الثالث متوسط
اسئلة قطعة / الوحدة االولى
1. The car everyone is talking about and the car of the year is called panther 3.0D.
2. The Panther 3.0D has seats for six people. F
3. The Panther 3.0D is actually very expensive. F
4. The Panther 3.0D is a really safe car. T
5- How many seats are there in the Panther ? eight seats.
6-What are the safety features in the Panther 3.0D? airbags for the driver and the passenger
7-Are the young men interesting in engine .? Yes, they are.
8- The panther 3.0D has a warranty for(Three / four / five) . years.
9- The panther 3.0D doesn't have CD player ( True False )
10-. The Panther 3.0D doesn't 12 kilometers to the liter. (True/False)
11-The Panther 3.0D is really dangerous car. ( True False)
12- What are the standards features in the Panther 3.0D?
It has GPS, Sunroof, tinted windows and CD player.
اسئلة قطعة لوسً / الوحدة الثانٌة
1- Lucy's brother is clumsy. F
2- Samara is the name of the girl Lucy plays. T
3- Samara's brother is older than her T
4- Samara's mother liked her tea. F
5- Lucy's character fell in the pool. F
6- The brother got very wet. T
7- What does Lucy play in the TV comedy ? Lucy plays Samara,
8- How is Samara brother? He is very clumsy.
9- What does Samara's brother put in his mother's tea? .He puts salt instead of sugar
10- What does Samara's brother put on his hair? cleaning fluid
11-Why did the mother dislike her tea . .because it tasted awful
اسئلة قطعة الصقر / الوحدة الثالثة
1-What are the fastest things in the natural world ? Falcons.
2- How fast can falcons dive? 240kph.
3- Who are the Bedouin? They are people from the desert of Arabia

نموذج  مرشحات ماده الانكليزي  يتكون من 8 اوراق تضمن الدرجه الكامله في الامتحان الوزاري وبي انشاء الجوكر والانشاء المرشح  للصف الثالث متوسط٢٠٢٤

انتهى الموضوع شكرا (لك / لكِ)